PPR by telephone essential 01584 890 486
- Left Hand for Runway 34, Right Hand for Runway 16.
- Above 800ft agl please. Remember the airfield is 500ft amsl.
- Please make blind circuit calls on SafetyCom -135.48
- Pilots and Aircraft must be capable of operating from a short strip.
- The 2 white hangers & the farm house at the North end of strip are good locators, as is the large metal Helipad to the east of the strip.
- All pilots are requested to sign the movements book situated in the control caravan.
- Landing fee: minimum £5 donation to the Air Ambulance charity collection appreciated
- There are occasional military helicopter movements on weekdays, and model flying at weekends.
- Avgas/Mogas is available by prior arrangement.
- Runway 34 has an up slope which increases markedly on the last section.
- Arrive Runway 34
- Depart Runway 16 unless the wind is extreme ( i.e. above 10kts southerly).
- A long final is recommended for accurate arrival.
- DO NOT land short of the strip, expect sink over ditch before threshold
- Caution – Clee Hill (1750ft amsl) 2nm NW, and surrounding high ground.
- 10 flights a day is the maximum permissible under our planning consent, unlimited on designated fly-in weekends.
Up to 10 based aircraft, therefore visitor availability may be limited. PPR. - Arrivals only (no Departures) 1400-1700 (local) on Sundays April to September.
- No restriction for designated fly-ins.
Please show consideration to local inhabitants, in particular avoid the white house immediately to S.E. of the field.
Overflight of the farm on direct approach is no problem.