
PPR by telephone essential 01584 890 486


  • Left Hand for Runway 34, Right Hand for Runway 16.
  • Above 800ft agl please. Remember the airfield is 500ft amsl.
  • Please make blind circuit calls on SafetyCom -135.48
  • Pilots and Aircraft must be capable of operating from a short strip.
  • The 2 white hangers & the farm house at the North end of strip are good locators, as is the large metal Helipad to the east of the strip.
  • All pilots are requested to sign the movements book situated in the control caravan.
  • Landing fee: minimum £5 donation to the Air Ambulance charity collection appreciated
  • There are occasional military helicopter movements on weekdays, and model flying at weekends.
  • Avgas/Mogas is available by prior arrangement.


  • Runway 34 has an up slope which increases markedly on the last section.
  • Arrive Runway 34
  • Depart Runway 16 unless the wind is extreme ( i.e. above 10kts southerly).
  • A long final is recommended for accurate arrival.
  • DO NOT land short of the strip, expect sink over ditch before threshold
  • Caution – Clee Hill (1750ft amsl) 2nm NW, and surrounding high ground.


  • 10 flights a day is the maximum permissible under our planning consent, unlimited on designated fly-in weekends.
    Up to 10 based aircraft, therefore visitor availability may be limited. PPR.
  • Arrivals only (no Departures) 1400-1700 (local) on Sundays April to September.
  • No restriction for designated fly-ins.
Milson Airstrip Information

Please show consideration to local inhabitants, in particular avoid the white house immediately to S.E. of the field.

Overflight of the farm on direct approach is no problem.

aerial view of Milson Airstrip
approach 2

Runway 34 LH

approach 1

Runway 16 RH