Model glider enthusiasts donate to the HELP Appeal

September 29, 2021

To help raise money for the HELP Appeal, Ray Watts from communications company Arqiva, and Chris Jones at Milson Airstrip, organised for a radio-controlled model aircraft fly-in for model gliders to be towed by powered model tug planes. It attracted around 35 flyers who made donations to Chris for using his airfield, which he subsequently rounded up to £500 and gave the entire amount to the HELP Appeal.

As Arqiva offers its employees the chance to have matched funding for up to £250 for charity events, Ray chose the HELP Appeal for the third time, so an additional £250 was donated too, making a grand total of £750.

Ray explains:

“Chris generously allows us to use his airstrip twice a year to conduct model aircraft aerotowing. This is unlike any normal model flying that would be done at a local club site in that it requires a fair amount of space and coordination with constant take offs and landings, and models flying at a height of up to our maximum permissible 1500 feet set by the Civil Aviation Authority. We collect donations from the pilots for the privilege of being able to use Chris’ home airstrip.”

Thanks so much for your support Ray and Chris. We are hugely grateful.